Ok, since I started writing, I am convinced that it is lamb this year. The Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday memories remind me, that ham and meat from the list. So, with friends John and Marsha spiced leg of lamb recipe in hand, that's the plan. The rest is not as important as the determination that chocolate dessert! Marsha and I think of it as a joke of appetizers and desserts perfect, and the balance between fillingTime and to appease the dinner guests.
Well, I think I can do variation on this theme for Easter. All that could be between Easter baskets and the option of dessert! Let me know what you're planning. This is where the recipe lamb excellent.
Happy Easter to everyone!
Spiced Leg of Lamb
2 t. Salt
1 t. Celery salt
1 / 2 t. Ginger
1 t. Paprika
1 / 2 t. Rosemary
1 t. Pepper
2 t. Marjoram
1 t. Lemon pepper
2 cloves garlic, crushed, or 2 t.Dust
2 tablespoons water
Stir the spices into a paste with water. Dissemination of lamb and roast at 325 degrees for 2-3 hours or until internal temperature is 145 degrees for medium. I also cooked this recipe on the grill, and it is wonderful!
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