Frugal ways to prepare for bad weather

time is the only thing you can not control. But you can control how you prepare for emergencies and in situations of bad weather. And you can do it sparingly.

Flooding and landslides hurricanes and snowstorms, we must all be prepared for disasters. No need to spend hundreds or thousands to be prepared.

First, you should be educated to stay. Knowing what is the potential for disaster in your area. Some areas have fewer disasters than others. Butare always surprises. In winter, in an area of ​​the country where you have your eye on the forecast for snow to live. Some people need to worry about seasons of hurricanes and tornadoes.

Basics of food preservation and relevant expertise. You can come through a disaster if you know how it all works. In fact, you will find that a lot of tips frugal Major disasters. You may need to be able to do things from scratch or, Want to do without electricity. Additional things that will help you survive.

For example, if you know that your power could be interrupted in case of emergency, you can learn how to build a solar oven to cook without fuel. Or do you have a wood stove in the house that you can cook. You might even consider shopping around for a generator for sale on your refrigerator and freezer Run to your fresh food.

If you have a wood stove orFireplace, make sure wood and pots and pans with which the cast iron cookware is the best food possible, that can often at yard sales or second-hand shops to find a reasonable price.

Be sure to always have at least a month's worth of recipes at your fingertips. You should also have a pharmacy well stocked with painkillers, bandages and other first responders. Take stock of it often and replace expired items as needed.

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